TikTok has unveiled a new feature that allows its users to downvote comments. The corresponding downvote button in the form of a thumbs-down icon will appear next to the heart-shaped like button in individual comments.

Similar to a like, users can tap on the icon as well as take back their feedback by tapping the downvote icon again.

TikTok says the feature was first introduced during the testing phase back in April, but now it is available worldwide.

Unlike the number of likes and comments, no one can see the number of downvotes since this data is now shown publicly. Only the one doing the downvoting will be able to see that they've done so.

TikTok Adds New Tools for Tagging and Crediting Creators
TikTok is rolling out a new tool that aims to encourage users to tag, mention, or credit the creators who inspired their videos, as well as learn the importance of crediting in the digital space.

According to the social media company, this tool is a new way to collect feedback directly from the community and help the platform to better identify comments that are inappropriate or irrelevant.

TikTok Launches Its Own Memoji-Like Digital Avatars
To use the feature, you should open the app, switch your camera to selfie mode, open the effects section and select the Avatar effect. You can then either use the preset avatar or tap “new” to create your own avatar.

Other platforms, such as Reddit, have long had the option to downvote content, and it's a way for community members to publicly express their disagreement and gauge response.