News Boston Dynamics' Robots Recreated the Rolling Stones' Iconic Music Video It should be noted that this video is interesting not only as a form of entertainment. It also shows the evolution of robots developed by Boston Dynamics, which are now more agile and less clumsy.
News Boston Dynamic's Spot Robot Will Monitor Safety at Hyundai Plant in South Korea Factory Safety Service Robot will ensure safety at the Kia plant in South Korea. If the experiment is successful, the Korean automotive group may use such robots at other plants over time.
News Boston Dynamics' Robot Dog Was Tested in Combat Scenarios Spot appeared in research exercises alongside military students. Boston Dynamics was not notified of Spot's participation in military activities. The company claimed that all buyers sign an agreement according to which the robot cannot harm people.
News Boston Dynamics Presented Enterprise Spot That Can Recharge Itself Boston Dynamics introduced new remote control software for Spot robot, a new robotic arm attachment, and an entirely new robot that can recharge itself.
News Boston Dynamics Robots Showed Its Dance Boston Dynamics robots showed the impressive video, dancing to the 1960s hit The Contours — Do You Love Me in honor of the New Year 2021.