YouTube is exploring the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically generate video summaries, enhancing user experience and aiding in content selection. This test feature, currently limited to specific English-language videos and a selected user base, aims to provide brief overviews of video content without replacing the original human-written descriptions.

The generated summaries, appearing on YouTube's watch and search pages, intend to facilitate quick decisions for users about whether a video aligns with their interests. However, these AI summaries won't replace existing video descriptions but rather provide an additional layer of information.
The experiment is part of YouTube's ongoing efforts to enhance viewer and creator experiences. The AI-generated summaries will be visible on mobile devices, primarily for English-language vlogs, shopping videos, and how-to videos.

This initiative is in line with Google's broader exploration of AI applications across various platforms. The company has been actively exploring generative AI solutions, such as summarizing app user reviews and creating AI tools for productivity apps.