Google Expands Eco-Friendly Routing Across European Countries

Google has decided to expand the eco-friendly routing feature on Google Maps to European countries. Their residents will now be able to specify what type of fuel their car is running on in the app settings, and the service will start providing eco-friendly and fuel-efficient routes accordingly.

This feature was launched for residents of the United States and Canada last year, offering routes that use less energy. From now on, the feature is available in nearly forty European countries, including Spain, Ireland, France, Poland, and the UK.

Google Chrome Will Automatically Change Stolen Passwords
If Chrome detects that a certain password should be changed, the user will be prompted to have it changed automatically by pressing a single button in a pop-up window. The feature is powered by Google Assistant and Google Duplex technology.

Users will also be able to specify if their car has a diesel, gas, hybrid, or electric powertrain in the Maps app settings. Based on this info, the system will find the most efficient route for a specific type of vehicle and thus help users optimize resource consumption.

The system is built on data pulled from the US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the European Environment Agency, and Google Maps driving trends to train machine-learning models based on the most popular engines in certain regions.