Stack Overflow's Rating Names the Most Loved and Dreaded Programming Languages

Stack Overflow, the largest coding questions and answers forum, asked developers about their most loved and hated programming languages. The survey included more than 83 thousand respondents from 181 countries of the world.

To determine their favorite programming language, Stack Overflow asked developers which programming language they wrote this year and which they would like to write next. To determine the most hated language, the developers had to answer which language they definitely don't want to write next year.

The Rust language was recognized as the most favorite programming language of the developers. Almost 87% of those polled voted for him. Rust is the most loved programming language for the sixth time in a row already. This year, the developers highlighted its good performance, multithreading, control, and memory security.

Image: Stack Overflow | The 10 most loved programming languages

The top 5 most loved languages also include Clojure, TypeScript, Elixir, and Julia. They are followed by Python, Dart, Swift, Node.js, and Go. Most of all, developers hate COBOL, VBA, and Matlab. Objective-C, one of the most popular languages since lots of iOS applications are written on it, is the fourth in the ranking of the most hated programming languages. It is followed by Groovy, Assembly, Perl, C, PHP, PowerShell, R, Java, Delphi, and C++.

Among other things, Stack Overflow named the best cloud platforms, according to respondents. Amazon Web Services came first, Google Cloud Platform came second, and Microsoft Azure came third.