Google's Year in Search 2021 Reveals Popular Search Trends

Google has released the traditional Year in Search review that sums up the year that is coming to an end based on what people searched for on Google in 2021. The video is a great opportunity to remember the key events of the past 12 months.

Google says 2021 was the year of contrasts as many events caused heated discussions, and people felt opposite emotions regarding these events at once. At the same time, we all have common victories to celebrate, things to be sad about or proud of, as well as reasons to smile and laugh.

Google Will Make 2-Factor Authentication on by Default
Together with millions of Google users, more than two million content creators on YouTube will also switch to two-factor authentication by the end of this year. Google states that users will also be able to use security keys for authorization.

Here are some of the most popular search queries of 2021:

  1. how to honor someone
  2. will there be another lockdown
  3. how to take care of your mental health
  4. how to stay strong
  5. when can I get the vaccine
  6. how to be resilient
  7. how to make a come back

The company also named the main trends, events, and heroes of 2021. The rating was compiled based on users' search queries over the past year.