YouTube Is Testing a New Feature for Identifying Goods on Video

Video hosting YouTube has launched testing of a new feature that will automatically detect products on videos and offer similar products.

As noted in the company's blog, the testing of the new feature began on March 22, 2021.

“We are experimenting with a new feature that displays a list of products detected in some videos, as well as related products. The feature will appear in between the recommended videos, to viewers scrolling below the video player. The goal is to help people explore more videos and information about those products on YouTube,” the developers said in a statement.

The development and testing of the feature began last year, but only a limited number of users could take part in it back then. Now, the experimental feature has become available to a broader audience, but it only applies to US residents so far.

With the new feature, users can view a list of products that they see in the video they watch, as well as receive a list of similar products. The feature will appear between the recommended videos when your scroll under the video player.

This novelty is supposed to help Google gain access to a share of the lucrative market of affiliate links. Besides, it will allow users to link goods to videos on the platform. YouTube officials have not provided any comments on the development and monetization of the tool yet.